(Nice to Meet You) Anyway by Gavin DeGraw Guitar Chords
February 29, 2024
p If you are looking for (Nice to Meet You) Anyway guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play (Nice to Meet You) Anyway by Gavin DeGraw using guitar or guitar. This song by Gavin DeGraw can also be played by that instruments. =/p p (Nice to Meet You) Anyway guitar chords has rhythm and included in Chariot (2003) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3(Nice to Meet You) Anyway by Gavin DeGraw Guitar Chords/h3 These are the piano tabs to DeGraw's '(Nice To meet You) Anyway'. The notes inbrparentheses are the base notes placed on the lower octaves with the left hand.brListen to the song for the filler notes, tempo, etc. I love this song ' I hopebrbrEnjoy!brbr(Intro)brBb(Bb) F(A) Gm(G) Eb(Eb) Dm(D) ' play this 2xbrbr[Bb]I d[(Bb)]on't wa[F]nt[(F)] to get too cl[Gm]ose[(G)][Eb][(Eb)][Dm][(D)]br[Bb]I d[(Bb)]on't wa[F]nt[(F)] to get too cl[Gm]ose[(G)][Eb][(Eb)][Dm][(D)]brbrYou see this [Dm]isn[(D)]'t where my h[Cm]ead[(C)] isbrIf you k[Eb]new[(Eb)] me I'm not[Dm] li[(Dm)]ke thisbrBut I j[Bb]ust[(Bb)] found someone[Cm] sp[(C)]ecialbrAnd that's [Eb]rea[(Eb)]lly something [Dm]spe[(D)]cialbrIf you [Cm]kne[(C)]w mebrNice to [Eb]mee[(Eb)]t you anywaybrbr(Bridge)brBb(Bb) F(C) Gm(D) Eb(Eb) D(D) ' play this 2xbrbr[Bb]I b[(Bb)]elieve[F] y[(F)]ou're very[Gm] fi[(G)]nebr[Bb]Sti[(Bb)]ll, I h[F]av[(F)]en't got the [Gm]tim[(G)]ebr'Cause I[Dm] ju[(D)]st found someone[Cm] sp[(C)]ecialbrAnd that's r[Eb]eal[(Eb)]ly something s[Dm]pec[(D)]ialbrIf you [Cm]kne[(C)]w mebrNice to m[Eb(Eb)]eet you [Eb(F)]anyway[Bb(Bb)][Eb(Bb)][Bb(Bb)]brbr[Cm]And[(C)] the [F(F)]sky opened[Bb(Bb)] upbr[Dm(A)]With the [Bb(G)]soil o[Dm(F)]f the [Eb(Eb)]sunbr[F(C)] [Ab(Ab)] [Eb(G)] brprebrDreaming of my true lo----------vebr/prebr(this part is the right hand: Eb, D, C, Bb; D, C, Bb, C)brbr[Bb]I d[(Bb)]on't me[F]an[(F)] to be so [Gm]str[(G)]angebr[Bb]But[(Bb)] my l[F]if[(F)]e just took a [Gm]cha[(G)]ngebr'Cause [Dm]I j[(D)]ust found someon[Cm]e s[(C)]pecialbrbrAnd that's [Eb]rea[(Eb)]lly something s[Dm]pec[(D)]ialbrIf you k[Cm]new[(C)] mebrNice to [Eb(Eb)]meet you [Eb(F)]anyway[Bb(Bb)][Eb(Bb)][Bb(Bb)]brbr[Cm]And[(C)] the s[F(F)]ky opened [Bb(Bb)]upbr[Dm(A)]With the [Bb(G)]soil o[Dm(F)]f the s[Eb(Eb)]unbr[F(C)] [Ab(Ab)] [Eb(G)] brprebrDreaming of my true lo----------vebr/prebr(this part is the right hand: Eb, D, C, Bb; D, C, Bb, C)brbr[Bb]So [(Bb)]befor[F(F)]e this goes too [Gm]far[(G)]br[Bb]Let[(Bb)] me te[F(F)]ll you what you [Gm]are[(G)]brYou're[Dm] am[(D)]azing, I'[Cm]m a[(C)]ttractedbrBut I'[Eb]m t[(Eb)]erribly d[Dm]ist[(Dm)]ractedbrAnd I'm[Bb] tr[(Bb)]ying to be[Cm] ve[(C)]rbalbrAnd I'[Eb]m b[(Eb)]ack into this[Dm] ci[(D)]rclebrBecause I j[Bb]ust[(Bb)] found someone s[Cm]pec[(C)]ialbrAnd that'[Eb]s r[(Eb)]eally something[Dm] sp[(D)]ecialbrIf you k[Cm]new[(C)] mebrEb (Eb, F)brNice to meet youbrbr[Bb(Bb)]Nice to [F(F)]meet you[Eb(C)]br[Eb(Eb)] [Bb(Bb)] [F(F)] [Eb(C)] brprebrNice to meet you anyway-------------aybr/prebr[Eb(Eb)] [Bb(Bb)] [F(F)] [Eb(C)] brprebrNice to meet you anyway-------------aybr/prebr[Eb(Eb)] [Bb(Bb)] [F(F)] [Eb(C)] brprebrNice to meet you anyway-------------aybr/prebr[Eb(Eb)] [Bb(Bb)] [F(F)] [Eb(C)] brprebrNice to meet you anyway-------------aybr/prebrbrAnd even if you want me to stay herebrI'm telling you right now I should leavebrBefore I get done changing my mind pleasebrI hope you understand what I meanbrI hope you understand what I mean (x4) p If you want to learn Gavin DeGraw (Nice to Meet You) Anyway guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play (Nice to Meet You) Anyway. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p